Praying Through God’s Word: Numbers

Numbers 1:1-54
Living for You, Lord, is not easy. we face determined opposition from Satan. He keeps coming back at us, again and again. We thank You, Lord, that we do not stand against him in our own strength. We stand in Your strength, in the victory of our risen Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ, in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Numbers 2:1-34
Lord, we thank You for Your Word. You have spoken to us. You are still speaking to us. It’s Your Word that leads us on into Your future. Help us to listen to what You are saying to us, to build our lives on Your Word, to let Your Word flow out from us, to bring blessing to many.
Numbers 3:1-51
Before we began to serve You, Lord, You were calling us to be Your servants. Before we can serve You, we must be saved by You. We’re saved to serve. Help us, Lord, to receive Your salvation and to give ourselves in Your service. Your salvation always comes first – never our service! Your salvation never stands on its own – it leads to our service!
Numbers 4:1-49
Lord, You’re calling us to grow in Christ. You’re calling us to be changed – changed in our way of thinking, changed in our way of living. You’re calling us to be less self-centred – and more centred on You. May there be less doing our own thing – and more following Jesus, less living in the weakness of the flesh – and more living in the power of the Spirit.
Numbers 5:1-31
We thank You, Lord, that Jesus, Your Son, has taken our sin upon Himself. We thank You that He brings Your salvation to us. With Jesus as our Saviour, we cannot remain the same as we were before we met Him. Jesus changes us. He makes us new. Help us, Lord, to live in the power of this new life which Jesus gives to us. Help us to live in His power – the power of His love.
Numbers 6:1-27
Lord, You call us to “be filled with Your Spirit” (Ephesians 5:18) – the Spirit of holiness, the Spirit of love. You are the holy God, the loving God – our holy Father, our loving Father. May there be, in us, the family likeness. Help us to become more like You – more holy, more loving.
Numbers 7:1-47
Lord, You gave Your Son, Jesus – to be our Saviour. Help us to give ourselves to You – to be Your servants. Jesus died for us. Help us to live for Him. Help us never to forget His sacrifice – “Love so amazing, so divine.” May we be challenged by His sacrifice – “Love so amazing, so divine, demands my soul, my life, my all.” Help us to respond to His sacrifice – “Love so amazing, so divine, shall have my soul, my life, my all.”
Numbers 7:48-89
Lord, You speak to us. Help us to speak to You. You’re speaking. Are we listening? You’re listening to us. Are we speaking to You? Your Word to us is the call of love. You tell us that You love us. You’re calling us to love You. May our words (and our life) be our response to Your love – “loving Him who first loved me.”
Numbers 8:1-26
We thank You, Lord, for Your Word. It’s ” a lamp to our feet and a light to our path” (Psalm 119:105). As we read Your written Word, we hear the voice of Jesus, Your living Word. Jesus speaks to us. He calls us out of our darkness. He calls us into Your light. It’s the light of Your salvation. It’s the light that changes everything. It’s the light of Your love.
Numbers 9:1-23
We look back, Lord, to what You have done for us. We look forward to all that You will do for us. We remember our Saviour, crucified for us. We await our Saviour, coming for us. Fill our hearts, Lord, with thanksgiving for all that You have done for us. In Your great love for us, You have given to us Your great salvation. Fill our hearts with the faith that faces the future with the confidence that Your love will never fail us – You will lead us safely on to Your heavenly and eternal glory.
Numbers 10:1-36
We thank You, Lord, for Your Holy Spirit. He works in us to bring blessing to us. He works through us to bring blessing to others. Without the working of Your Spirit, there can be no blessing. May the “living waters” of Your Spirit flow in our hearts and out from our hearts to others to bring blessing to many (John 7:37-39).
Numbers 11:1-35
Lord, we have begun to follow Jesus. Help us to keep on following Him. Again and again, we are tempted to turn back, to return to the ways of this world. Help us to keep on saying, “I have decided to follow Jesus – No turning back. The world behind me, the Cross before me – No turning back. If no-one joins me, still I will follow – No turning back.”
Numbers 12:1-13:33
Lord, we need Your Word of encouragement. Sometimes, our problems seem to be so big. Help us to see that Your power is always greater than our problems. When everything in us seems to be saying, “I can’t”, help us to hear – and speak – the Word of faith, ” I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13).
Numbers 14:1-45 
Sometimes, Lord, we wonder, “Is there any light at the end of the tunnel?” Help us to hear Your answer – Yes. There is: “I will be with you. I will never leave you” (Joshua 1:5). Strengthened by Your wonderful promises, help us to rise up and face the future with the confidence that comes from knowing that You are leading us on into Your glorious future: “eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 6:23).
Numbers 15:1-41 
We thank You, Lord, that You are our God – the God of our salvation. You have called us to be Your people. we have been saved by Your grace. Help us to live for Your glory. May we always be learning to walk with You. May we never forget to say of Jesus, Your Son: “Hallelujah! What a Saviour!”
Numbers 16:1-50
Lord, we are, so often, dragged down to the world’s way of living. Again and again, we fail to respond to “the upward call of God in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:14). We fail to rise to the challenge of walking with You on “the high way of holiness” (Isaiah 35:8). When we rejoice in Your gift of forgiveness, help us, also, to choose the way of holiness.
Far too often, Lord, we keep our distance from You. You’re calling us into a closer walk with You – but we draw back from You. You’re seeking to change us – but we’re quite content to stay the way we are. Forgive us, Lord, and deliver us from our self-centredness. Make us the kind of people that You want us to become.
Numbers 17:1-18:32
We look at ourselves, Lord – and our heads go down. Again and again, Lord, we let You down – but You, Lord, never let us down. You lift us up. When we fail You, help us to remember Your faithful love – and to be lifted up into a life that is more faithful to You and more fruitful for You.
Numbers 19:1-22
We thank You, Lord, for Jesus – Your perfect Son, our perfect Saviour. In ourselves, there is sin. In Jesus, there is salvation: forgiveness for our guilty past, power for the challenges of our present – and glory, with You, forevermore.
Numbers 20:1-29
We thank You, Lord, that Your Son, Jesus is “the same yesterday and today and forever” (Hebrews 13:8). When everything around us seems to be changing, help us to remember that Jesus, our Saviour, is unchanged, unchanging and unchangeable in the great love that He has for us and the amazing grace that He shows to us.
Numbers 21:1-35 
We thank You, Lord, for Your great salvation. Nothing comes from ourselves: nothing but our sin – our need of Your salvation. Everything comes from Jesus, our wonderful Saviour. Salvation is never our achievement. It’s always Your gift. Help us, Lord, to say with all our heart, “To God be the glory!” Help us to thank You for Jesus, our Saviour – He “opened the life-gate that all may go in.” Help us to say, “Praise the Lord.”
Numbers 22:1-41 
Help us, Lord, to look, listen and learn. We look into Your Word. We listen to what Your Word is saying to us.We look and we listen – so that we might learn to love You more. Love for You – This, Lord, is what our looking and listening are all about. What, Lord, have we learned if we’re not learning to love You more? Teach us, Lord, to love You – more truly and more fully.
Numbers 23:1-30
Help us, Lord, to listen to Your Word – and speak Your Word. Help us to receive blessing from You – and to share Your blessing with others. You don’t speak Your Word to us – so that we can keep it to ourselves. Speak to us, Lord – and speak through us.
Numbers 24:1-25
Lord, we thank You for Your Holy Spirit. He leads us to Jesus, our Saviour (John 15:26). Help us, Lord, to “hear what the Spirit is saying” to us (Revelation 3:22). He calls us to hear the voice of Jesus – “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him … “(Revelation 3:20). He calls us to receive us the new life which begins, for each one of us, when we say, “Come into my heart, Lord Jesus. Come in today. Come in to stay. Come into my heart, Lord Jesus.”
Numbers 25:1-26:22
Lord, Your Word gives us a much-needed warning: “Don’t let the world squeeze you into its mould” (Romans 12:2). You’re challenging us. You’re asking us a very disturbing question – “Are you becoming more like the world or more like the Lord?” This is not only a disturbing question. It’s a life-changing question. Answering this question honestly – This is the beginning of a better life, a life that brings more glory to You and more blessing to us, a life more fully in line with the “good and acceptable and perfect will of God” (Romans 12:2).
Numbers 26:23-65
Lord, You call us to embrace good change – change that comes from You. You’re teaching us to say, with the Apostle Paul, “It’s no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me” (Galatians 2:20). Help us to say, with John the Baptist, “I must decrease. Christ in me must increase” (John 3:30).
Numbers 27:1-23
Lord, help us to put first things first. Giving glory to You is more important than anything else. You must come first in our life. Help us to “seek first Your Kingdom and Your righteousness” (Matthew 6:33).
Numbers 28:1-31
We thank You, Lord, that Your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, “died for our sins” and was “raised” from death for us (1 Corinthians 15:3-4). Help us to rejoice in “the Good News” (1 Corinthians 15:1) of our Saviour. Help us to hear Your great declaration concerning Jesus – “This is My beloved Son with whom I am well pleased” (Matthew 3:17). Help each of us to say of Jesus – “This is my beloved Saviour with whom I am well pleased.”
Numbers 29:1-40
What blessing comes to us when the Holy Spirit comes to us! We thank You, Lord, for the gift of the Holy Spirit. Before the Holy Spirit can work through – to bring others to Christ, He must work in us – yo make us more like Christ. When, Lord, we pray for blessing, help us to pray for “the fruit of the Spirit – love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control” (Galatians 5:22-23).
Numbers 30:1-31:20
If, Lord, we are to live for You, we must learn to die to self: “Put to death what is earthly in you … put off the old nature …. put on the new nature” (Colossians 3:5-11). When there is less of self in us and more of Christ in us, there will be more blessing for others: “death is at work in us, but life in you” (2 Corinthians 4:12).
Numbers 31:21-54 
Lord, You call us to be “soldiers of Christ” – to “fight the good fight of faith” (2 Timothy 2:3-4; 1 Timothy 6:12). When “the battle is fierce”, help us to remember that “the victory is secure. The victory is secure – What a great encouragement this is to us! It encourages us to keep on going when we feel like giving up. When we feel like we’re falling down in the weakness of the flesh, Your victory encourages us to keep on standing in Your strength (Ephesians 6:10-11).
Numbers 32:1-42
We say, “We want to be happy.” You, Lord, say to us, “What about being holy?” Happiness is like ‘the elusive butterfly.” We try to catch it – and it keeps on evading our grasp.” Lord, how can we find true happiness? Happiness comes to us when we are blessed by You, when we’re learning to take delight in Your Word: “Blessed is the person who … delights in the teachings of the Lord” How are we to enjoy the blessing of true happiness?  We find true happiness when we’re learning to rejoice in You, the God of our salvation, the God who leads us on the Highway of Holiness” (Psalm 1:1-2; Isaiah 35:8). Help us, Lord, to keep on taking the High Road – God-centred holiness. Help us never to be content with the low road – self-centred happiness.
Numbers 33:1-49
Help us, Lord, to put the past behind us. Help us to press on into Your future. We learn from the past. Help us not live in the past. Help us, Lord, to let the past be the past. Help us to make a new beginning with You. Help us to move forward with You and for You (Philippians 3:13-14).
Numbers 33:50-34:29
We thank You, Lord, that our determined enemy – Satan – is Your defeated enemy. To us, the devil seems so powerful. In Your eyes, He is defeated – defeated by Jesus, our crucified Saviour and risen Lord. Jesus has triumphed over Satan. He has won the victory for us (1 John 3:8; Hebrews 2:14-15). Lord, Your Word says, “Resist the devil and he will flee from you” (James 5:7). Will he really flee from us? He flees from Jesus – but, surely, not from us? Have we not forgotten something? – Jesus won the victory for us. He gives His victory to us. Help us to resist the devil – in the victorious Name of Jesus. He will flee from us. Why? Because Jesus is Lord over Satan. It’s not us he’s fleeing from. It’s Jesus. When the devil comes ‘knocking on our door’, help us to send Jesus to the door – and send him packing!
Numbers 35:1-36:13
We thank You, Lord, that the devil flees from us when we flee to Jesus. What a precious promise is given to us in Your Word: “The Name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run into it and are safe” (Proverbs 18:10). Who are “the righteous” – Surely, not us? We’ve failed You so often. How can we be “the righteous”? Jesus Christ is “righteous” – and He has died for our sins (1 John 2:1-2). This changes everything – “There is therefore no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:1). What a Saviour! What a victory over Satan! Thank You, Jesus.


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