"Be careful not to let anyone rob you of this faith through a shallow and misleading philosophy" (Colossians 2:8).
are some ideas which sound good - if you don't look too closely at what
they're really saying. They say to us, "You have a problem. This is how
you can sort things out for yourself." Really? We can sort things out
for ourselves, can we? This is exactly what God's Word says we can't do.
We need Jesus to sort things out for us. Without Him, we are lost. We
try to sort things out for ourselves. What happens when it doesn't work?
Do we just look for something else, some other way of sorting things
for ourselves? or Do we consider the possibility that we've been
starting from the wrong place. We're staring with "I", when we should be
starting with God. What does "a shallow and misleading philosophy" do
for us? It leads us to think that we can sort ourselves out, we can make
something of ourselves. There's a problem with this kind of thinking.
It's man-centred. It tells us we can do something about our problem.
What if our problem is bigger than we can handle? What if we need God?
That's where "a shallow and misleading philosophy" will never take us.
It always tells us that we can solve our own problems. It never tells us
that we need the Lord. It tells us to look more deeply into ourselves.
It never leads us to Jesus, our Saviour. What happens when we look more
deeply into ourselves? The more deeply we look, the more we find that we
need Jesus. That's when we begin to see that we need more than "a
shallow and misleading philosophy." "Be careful not to let anyone rob
you of this faith" - What faith? Is it faith in ourselves? Is it
something that gives our self-confidence a boost? No! It's faith in
Jesus, our Saviour. It's believing that He can do for us what we can't
do for ourselves. It's believing that salvation isn't something we can
obtain for ourselves. It's believing that, when we come to an end of
ourselves, we make a new beginning with Jesus, our Saviour.
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