The prophets, the apostles and the Saviour
"I will send them prophets and apostles. They will murder some of those prophets and apostles and persecute others ... When Jesus left, the
experts in Moses’ Teachings and the Pharisees held a terrible grudge
against Him. They questioned Him about many things and watched Him closely to trap Him in something He might say" (Luke 11:49, 53).
read about "prophets and apostles." Some were murdered. Others were
persecuted. We read about our Saviour. He was crucified. Murder,
persecution, crucifixion - Is this all that we read about the prophets
and the apostles? Is this all that we read about our Saviour? No!
Here's something else - "You are built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets. Christ Jesus himself is the cornerstone" (Ephesians 2:20).
Where would we be without the prophets and apostles? Where would we be
without Jesus Christ, our Saviour? No foundation, no cornerstone -
that's where we'd be! Thank God - We're not left to sink into quicksand
that swallows us up. We're built on the solid Rock - our Lord and
Saviour, Jesus Christ. As we thank God for Jesus, let's not forget to
thank Him, also, for the prophets and the apostles.
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